Celebrity Ranch is a family owned and operated hunting ranch that understands the time restraints of many whitetail deer hunters The average hunter can spend time and money setting up a hunting blind or two, feeders, a food plot, and hunt all season with minimal success. Celebrity Ranch has spent over 20 years extensively managing our property to maintain favorable hunting conditions to ensure a lifelong hunting facility. We have done this to give the beginner or a seasoned hunter the best opportunity at finding the trophy they are looking for.
We pride ourselves on producing some of the finest forage, food plots, and habitat for whitetail deer. With over 250 acres of food plots planted year round, you can find the ranch flourishing with alfalfa, peas, clover and milo. In the fall months, wheat, oats, clover and vetch attract even the most elusive bucks to the open, possibly even for a shot to land your trophy buck.
Celebrity Ranch offers several classes of hunts to fit most people's budgets, from management hunts to the once in a lifetime trophy. Celebrity Ranch is confident that hunters will see at least 15-25 bucks a day on their hunt. Our guides have years of experience in aging and field judging these bucks, so each hunter has the best chance of harvesting the biggest buck possible for their class of hunt. Look over our website and we dare you to find better amenities, lodging, and the opportunity to see trophy deer for the money.
Doug Doskocil 817-988-6290
Celebrity Ranch
4408 Barnett Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76017